Is it possible to automatically exclude registers or wires that are not used...
Hello,I have a question about toggle coverage.In my case, there are many unused registers or wires that are affecting the toggle coverage score negatively.Is it possible to automatically exclude...
View ArticleIssues related to cadence xrun command
We are trying to run compilation, elab and sim with command xrun -r -u alu, where alu is one of the units to execute. we are getting the following errors.1) xmsim: *E,DLMKDF: Unable to add default...
View ArticleXcelium: dump coverage information in the middle of a simulation
Hi, I'm using the xcelium simulator to simulate a testbench, in which I first stimulate my design to do something (part "A") and then do a direct follow-up test on the design (part "B").I need two...
View ArticleSimvision Array Slicing
> regĀ [63:0]Ā rMemĀ [0:255]Ā signalitĀ canĀ beĀ confirmedĀ byĀ rMemĀ [0:255] in SimvisionIsĀ itĀ possibleĀ toĀ generateĀ aĀ newĀ rMem1Ā signalĀ andĀ rMem2Ā signalĀ byĀ splittingĀ itĀ intoĀ 32Ā bits widthĀ through...
View ArticleCollecting Coverage using Vmanager
Hi,Ā I am running a regression in order to collect the coverage. However I have an issue. I am setting a signalĀ to 0 when reset is de-assertedĀ then this signalĀ takes a fixed value when the reset is...
View ArticleIndago stops everytime sees the UVM_ERROR
I am running simulation in gui mode using Indago and every time there is UVM_ERROR occur simulation stops. I have to resume it manually. is there any way to disable this feature.Ā
View ArticleUsing vManager to identify line coverage from a specific test
I have been using the rank feature to identifyĀ tests that are redundant in our environment, but then I realized I'd also like to be able to see exactly what coverage goes into increasing the delta_cov...
View ArticleAuto-Coloring Waves in Simvision?
Hello,First, I had something working that broke in the past few versions that I've been meaning to get working again. There was some setting I recall in the GUI that allowed me to have inputs be placed...
View ArticleArchive of Tools Classification Analysis (Xcelium)
Hi,Current and valid TCAs for Functional Safety are readily available at the FuSa "one-stop shop".But I have not been able to find any archive repository for access to the obsoleted versions.I would...
View ArticleHow to pass environment variables exported from pre_session_script to...
My vsif goes like this:session vm_example_sessions { // Default sessions directory top_dir : path/to/top_dir; output_mode: terminal ; // Try to use NC as DRM drm: <text>nc</text>; // Setup...
View Articlefile dependency extraction
I have a large set of files from different IP providers, but it seems there are dependencies that aren't immediately obvious when the IPs are in RTL versus the Netlist. I'm wondering if xrun can...
View Articleflattening a module
Is there a way to flatten a module completely and use it in other simulations. I have a problem with submodule conflicts and each block uses a different submodule with same names.Thank you.
View ArticleJasperGold: Can you implement commands conditionally in tcl script?
Hi,I am trying to dynamically execute a Jasper tcl script but the commands don't seem to execute despite the log clearly parsing them and seemingly finding them syntactically...
View ArticleEncountering issue (Unsupported OS) when using xrun -jg
Hi,I have recently migrated to a new cloud platform. I tried running running xrun -jg; however, I'm getting the following error message:TOOL: xrun(64) 22.09-s005: Started on Dec 05, 2024 at 07:34:52...
View ArticleWhat is the condition for being able to use 'Send to Source Browser' for a...
Sometimes I open old simulatino result and try to follow how a signal has changed and I use 'Send to source Browser' for a signal.But in some cases, simvision gives me error message and cannot open the...
View ArticleJaspergold: How to get a list of resettable registers?
In my `.tcl` script, I am using the following command:```reset rst -non_resettable_regs 0 -init_state INIT.init ```However, this seems to set more register to 0 than I expect. I suspect that I have an...
View ArticleVmanager change error attributes for all future regressions
Hi,I am getting the following errors in vmanager:xmsim: *E,RNFNSH: Cannot continue simulation due to a previous $finish.Is there a way to change the severity of this from "error" to "informative"...
View Article*E,CUVUNF - Hierarchical name component lookup failed
Hi,I have a for generate loop(named for block) - which instantiates modules 2 times, something like thisgenerateĀ for() begin : acc//module instanceĀ //I have to make a connection to make which is coming...
View Articleassign file error during the build test mode command in MODUS DFT
I am using cadence MODUS DFT for ATPG for the below .v file, i tried running the build test mode command , but I am facing TTM-050 and TTM-051 errors, I have also mentioned the errors#VERILOG FILE//# 4...
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