My vsif goes like this:
session vm_example_sessions {
// Default sessions directory
top_dir : path/to/top_dir;
output_mode: terminal ;
// Try to use NC as DRM
drm: <text>nc</text>;
// Setup Simulation Env
pre_session_script : "path/to/" ;
// Define test group and default simulation attributes for the group
group example_tests {
// compile once for test group
pre_group_script : "path/to/" ;
// run script to launch simulation
run_script : "path/to/" ;
My pre_session_script:
# Example of environment variable set
export RESULTS_HOME=$(pwd)
My pre_group_script:
# when executed:
My run_script:
Is there a way to pass env variables from pre_session_script to the succeeding group and test scripts? I know I can source all the env variables before launching the VSIF but, I want to make VSIF source all of them instead.