I am using cadence MODUS DFT for ATPG for the below .v file, i tried running the build test mode command , but I am facing TTM-050 and TTM-051 errors, I have also mentioned the errors
//# 4 inputs
//# 1 outputs
//# 3 D-type flipflops
//# 2 inverters
//# 8 gates (1 ANDs + 1 NANDs + 2 ORs + 4 NORs)
module dff (CK,Q,D);
input CK,D;
output Q;
wire NM,NCK;
trireg NQ,M;
nmos N7 (M,D,NCK);
not P3 (NM,M);
nmos N9 (NQ,NM,CK);
not P5 (Q,NQ);
not P1 (NCK,CK);
module s27(GND,VDD,CK,G0,G1,G17,G2,G3);
input GND,VDD,CK,G0,G1,G2,G3;
output G17;
wire G5,G10,G6,G11,G7,G13,G14,G8,G15,G12,G16,G9;
dff DFF_0(CK,G5,G10);
dff DFF_1(CK,G6,G11);
dff DFF_2(CK,G7,G13);
not NOT_0(G14,G0);
not NOT_1(G17,G11);
and AND2_0(G8,G14,G6);
or OR2_0(G15,G12,G8);
or OR2_1(G16,G3,G8);
nand NAND2_0(G9,G16,G15);
nor NOR2_0(G10,G14,G11);
nor NOR2_1(G11,G5,G9);
nor NOR2_2(G12,G1,G7);
nor NOR2_3(G13,G2,G12);
assign pin=D test_function=+TI ;
assign pin=Q test_function=SO ;
assign pin=CK test_function=-ES ;
assign pin=G5 test_function=SO ;
assign pin=G10 test_function=SI ;
assign pin=G6 test_function=SO ;
assign pin=G11 test_function=SI ;
assign pin=G7 test_function=SO ;
assign pin=G13 test_function=SI ;
@modus:root:/ 19> msgHelp TTM-050
ERROR (TTM-050): Illegal <statement_type> statement text: <statement_text>.
There was an error processing the MODEDEF file. The text for the given
statement is not correct.
User Response:
Check the MODEDEF file for illegal statements. Refer to the
"Models Reference" for proper MODEDEF text.
* Message Summary *
Count Number First Instance of Message Text
------- ------ ------------------------------
INFO Messages...
8 INFO (TTM-803): ASSIGN PIN statement not processed - reference previous message(s).
ERROR Messages...
9 ERROR (TTM-050): Illegal ASSIGN PIN statement text: assign.
. 9 ERROR (TTM-051): Illegal ASSIGN PIN statement value:
1 ERROR (TTM-801): Test mode FULLSCAN has NOT been created -
For a detailed explanation of a message and a suggested user response execute 'msgHelp <message id>'. For example: msgHelp TDA-009