Hi dear all,
I am at a customer working on a SystemVerilog UVM - based verification environment…
without going (yet) too much deep in details I have that starting a simulation with a command line such as:
ifxxcelium execute -gui -- +UVM_TESTNAME=adas_err_monitor_test -svseed 5 -gpg '\"TLF30682_VER => 0\"' +uvm_set_config_int=uvm_test_top,test_nb,6 &
and starting it with
ifxxcelium execute -gui -- +UVM_TESTNAME=adas_err_monitor_test -gpg '\"TLF30682_VER => 0\"' +uvm_set_config_int=uvm_test_top,test_nb,6 &
and then giving in the tcl console:
set svseed 5; run <ENTER>
produces different results...
The ifxxcelium execute customer- specific- script passes what follows "--" simply to xrun (while it works on itself some of the switches before the "--" and then passes them to xrun)...
before going deep…. is a possible corner in the LRM to have different results if one uses the -svseed switch or the "set svseed <VALUE> " tcl command and then hits run ?
thx in advance!
Alex Ogheri