I have created a small tcl script to modify the some properties on the Title Block. I wish to add the Script to the TCL/Tk Applications Dashboard.I followed the instructions in the OrCAD_Capture_TclTk_Extensions.pdf. I have added the script in the folder “C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\tclscripts\capUtils” and modified the file capApps.tcl in the “C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\tclscripts\capForms”folder. I restart my Orcad Session, I can see the entry in the dashboard. However, upon clicking on ‘Launch’ I get the error "error ::capTitleBlockEditUtil::EditTitleBlockOnPage not defined"
my script is ::
package require Tcl 8.4
package require DboTclWriteBasic 16.3.0
package provide capTitleBlockEditUtil 1.0
namespace eval capTitleBlockEditUtil {
namespace export EditTileBlockOnPage
proc capTitleBlockEditUtil::EditTileBlockOnPage {} {
set lSession $::DboSession_s_pDboSession
DboSession -this $lSession
set lStatus [DboState]
set pDesignPath C:/ecad/staging/vila/bimu_1405135821/orcad/latest/0010/test.dsn
set lDesignPath [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pDesignPath]
set lDesign [$lSession GetDesignAndSchematics $lDesignPath $lStatus]
set pSchematicName SCHEMATIC1
set lSchematicName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pSchematicName]
set lSchematic [$lDesign GetSchematic $lSchematicName $lStatus]
set pPageName PAGE1
set lPageName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pPageName]
set lPage [$lSchematic GetPage $lPageName $lStatus]
set lTitleBlockId [$lPage GetTitleBlockDisplayed $lStatus]
set Titile [$lPage GetTitleBlock $lTitleBlockId $lStatus]
set pPname Title
set lTitlePName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pPname]
set lNameValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$Titile GetUserPropStringValue $lTitlePName $lNameValue
puts [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lNameValue]
set pPropValue CHANGED
set lPageName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pPageName]
$Titile SetUserPropStringValue $lTitlePName $lPageName