I am exploring options to access and modify the contents of a packed array in the simulation hierarchy, with the aim of replicating some VPI functionality using the Tcl scripting interface.
I have a small test-case to clarify the issue that I am facing:
The design has a packed array defined as below:
logic [5:0][5:0] packed_array_test;
With vpi_put_value, packed_array_test can be accessed as a single-dimensional array of [35:0], and it is possible to deposit, say, any 32-bit value to packed_array_test[31:0]
Is it possible to get a similar functionality with the Tcl interface?
I have currently tried the following:
xcelium> value %b TB.DUT0.packed_array_test
xcelium> force TB.DUT0.packed_array_test = 36'h12345FFFF
xcelium> value %b TB.DUT0.packed_array_test
xcelium> force TB.DUT0.packed_array_test[31:0] = 32'hFFFF1234
xmsim: *E,PINRNG: Index value out of range: [31:0].
It appears that the force command will either work on the full packed array, or, if accessing a particular set of bits, with all the dimensions explicitly specified.
Do the Tcl force / value commands have any options that would allow for packed array access functionality similar to vpi_put_value / vpi_get_value?