Hi to everyone,
I'm working on systemverilog code for my mixed signal IC, to improve the velocity of the simulation. For the resistor and capacitor connected to ground i use the model from cadence, but now i need the model for a capacitor without a pin connected to ground.
to made it i fuse the code of resistor (with P and N terminal) and the code of capacitor connected to ground. the code work and the behavior of component is ok, but not the tension and current value. the code is this:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
import EE_pkg::*;
module Cap(
inout EEnet P,
inout EEnet N,
input real cval
parameter real vtol=1e-6; // voltage tolerance for iterations.
parameter real rmin=1e-4; // minimum differential resistance.
parameter real rmax=1e2; // "off" resistance for Z
parameter real itermax=20; // max iterations at one timepoint.
parameter real rs=1; // voltage tolerance for iterations.
real Rval; // limited versions of rs inputs
real VPin,RPin,VNin,RNin; // inputs with small changes ignored
real VPeff,RPeff,VNeff,RNeff; // effective external V & R values
real VPdrv,RPdrv,VNdrv,RNdrv; // voltage & resistance output drives
real TPdrv=0,TNdrv=0; // time of most recent driver updates
integer iterP=0,iterN=0; // number iterations at this timepoint
parameter real ic=0; // initial capacitor voltage at time zero
parameter real tinc=1e-10; // timestep for computing voltage update (sec)
parameter real itol=1e-7; // minimum current
real Vcap=ic,Tcap=0,Icap=0; // voltage on capacitor @ time, and current value
real Inew; // recomputed current at end of interval
real tinct = tinc*1s; // tinc converted to timescale units
real Vout,Tout; // voltage value to output pin (limited update)
reg ck=0;
always #(tinct) ck=!ck; // toggle clock at defined rate
real Vcapn=ic,Tcapn=0,Icapn=0; // voltage on capacitor @ time, and current value
real Inewn; // recomputed current at end of interval
initial begin // block starts in "off" mode, effective values are as measured:
// update VPin,RPin,VNin,RNin but skip LSB type changes:
always @(P.V,P.R) begin
if ((abs(P.V-VPin)<1e-14)==1'b0) VPin=P.V;
if ((abs(P.R-RPin)<=RPin*1e-14)==1'b0) RPin=P.R;
always @(N.V,N.R) begin
if ((abs(N.V-VNin)<1e-14)==1'b0) VNin=N.V;
if ((abs(N.R-RNin)<=RNin*1e-14)==1'b0) RNin=N.R;
// update Rval whenever rs change, filtering special cases:
always begin
if (rs<rmin) Rval=rmin; // min resistance
else if (rs>rmax) Rval=rmax; // max resistance
else Rval=rs; // normal resistance
always begin
if ($realtime>TPdrv) begin // new timepoint
TPdrv=$realtime; // save time value
iterP=0; // start counter
else begin
iterP+=1; // else increment counter
if (iterP==itermax) $display(
"<EE> ERROR: instance %M node P unconverged at T=%.0fns", $realtime);
if (iterP<=itermax) begin
RPeff = RPin*RPdrv/(RPdrv-RPin);
RNeff = RNin*RNdrv/(RNdrv-RNin);
Inew = (rs==0)? P.I : (P.V-VPeff)/rs; // compute new current
Vcap += (Inew+Icap)/2*($realtime-Tcap)/(cval*1s); // update voltage by I*dT
Tcap = $realtime; // save time of cap computation
Icap = Inew;
if (abs(VPeff-Vcap)>vtol) begin // if enough dV&dT
VPeff <= Vcap; // update output voltage
VNeff <= P.V - Vcap;
@(P.V, P.R, N.V, N.R, cval, ck);
assign P = '{VPeff,0,RPdrv}; // drive output pins
assign N = '{VNeff,0,RNdrv};
someone can help me to find the problem?