Hello all,
I want to call a C function within my systemverilog file using DPI C. I have tried the one step (irun -sv hello.c hello.sv )and it worked very well. But the thing I want to do is to create my own shared object .so, to do this I have tried a 3 steps methodology (ncvlog ,ncelab and ncsim) but it failed when I want to simulate it.
I got this message : ncsim: *F,NOLWSV: Searching for import subroutine "print" in default library libdpi. Unable to load the default library libdpi.OSDLERROR: ./libdpi.so: only ET_DYN and ET_EXEC can be loaded.
Please find in this following paragraph all my files and script to do this.
Thank you by advance,
/////// top.sv
module top;
bit clk,rst;
helloworld U0(.clk(clk),.rst(rst));
////// reset
initial begin
///// clock
initial begin
forever begin
#5 clk=~clk;
module helloworld(clk,rst) ;
input clk;
input rst;
bit clk, rst;
import "DPI-C" context function void print();
always @( posedge clk ) begin
$display("hello world");
/////// hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <vpi_user.h>
//#include "svdpi.h"
void print()
{ printf("helloworld from C \n");}
/////// cds.lib
DEFINE lib ./lib1
/////// run using irun ( This solution works !!! ) But I want to create manually my shared object
irun -cdslib cds.lib -sv test.c test.sv
//////// run using NC-Verilog ( This solution doesn't work )
ncvlog -cdslib cds.lib -messages -sv top.sv -work lib
ncelab -messages -access +RWC lib.top
gcc -fPIC -shared -o libdpi.so test.c -I/pkg/cadence-incisiv-/13.20.003/i686-linux/tools/inca/include/ -m32 -c
ncsim -messages lib.top
/////// script report
...helloworld_verilated/test 600$ ncvlog -cdslib cds.lib -messages -sv top.sv -work lib
ncvlog: 13.20-s003: (c) Copyright 1995-2014 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
file: top.sv
module lib.top
errors: 0, warnings: 0
module lib.helloworld
errors: 0, warnings: 0
...helloworld_verilated/test 601$ ncelab -messages -access +RWC lib.top
ncelab: 13.20-s003: (c) Copyright 1995-2014 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Elaborating the design hierarchy:
Caching library 'lib' ....... Done
Building instance overlay tables: .................... Done
Generating native compiled code:
lib.helloworld:module <0x7028777f>
streams: 1, words: 1182
lib.top:module <0x77267332>
streams: 2, words: 196
Building instance specific data structures.
Loading native compiled code: .................... Done
Design hierarchy summary:
Instances Unique
Modules: 2 2
Registers: 2 2
Scalar wires: 2 -
Always blocks: 1 1
Pseudo assignments: 2 2
Writing initial simulation snapshot: lib.top:module
...helloworld_verilated/test 602$ gcc -fPIC -shared -o libdpi.so test.c -I/pkg/cadence-incisiv-/13.20.003/i686-linux/tools/inca/include/ -m32 -c
...helloworld_verilated/test 603$ ncsim -messages lib.top
ncsim: 13.20-s003: (c) Copyright 1995-2014 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Loading snapshot lib.top:module .................... Done
ncsim: *F,NOLWSV: Searching for import subroutine "print" in default library libdpi. Unable to load the default library libdpi.
OSDLERROR: ./libdpi.so: only ET_DYN and ET_EXEC can be loaded.