I am listening Low power simulation with IEEE 1801 UPF v22.09 Module 04 : simulating a UPF based low power RTL design
Example of module4 in nano CPU of DebuggingLPS/examples attempted to demonstrate.
However, I tried to run xrun using the example, this error occurred.
xmelab : *E,MTOMDU : More than one unit matches 'TESTBENCH'
I want to solve this problem and demonstrate this example.
single step
xmvlog nano.v testbench.v
xmelab -mess -access +rwc -timescale 1ns/1ps -lps_1801 nano.upf worklib.TESTBENCH
multiple step
xrun -messages -lps_stime 1ns -lps_verbose 1 -lps_logfile lps.log -gui -input input.tcl worklib.TESTBENCH