Hi, I am trying to use the expression calculator to count transactions on an AXI Lite bus. I used the expression calculator to create a signal by ANDing TVALID, TREADY and CLOCK. The problem is (as you can see from the screen shot) there is a spike where the clock is on the rising edge but TREADY is on a falling edge. Is there some way I can filter out these very small pulses? is there a better way to do this?
This is what's in the expression calculator:
(((waves::tb_fpga.a0_fpga_zynq.image_reader_gp:m_axis_video_tvalid == 1) && (waves::tb_fpga.a0_fpga_zynq.image_reader_gp:m_axis_video_tready == 1)) && (waves::tb_fpga.a0_fpga_zynq.image_reader_gp:m_axis_aclk == 1))