I want to know how to enable the $display/$error output defined in the assert property. I don't see it output in the log file.
Here is the system Verilog code:
##########start of sv code##################
module sv_as_micbiasamp_ibias5uA (
input real as_micbiasamp_ibias5uA,
output real as_micbias
localparam micbias_min5000 = 4500e-9;
localparam micbias_max5000 = 5500e-9;
// assert (as_micbiasamp_ibias5uA == 5e-6) $display ("OK. as_micbiasamp_ibias5uA equals 5uA");
wire micbias_ready = (as_micbiasamp_ibias5uA >= micbias_min5000) && (as_micbiasamp_ibias5uA <= micbias_max5000);
wire #10 up = micbias_ready;
property bias_current_micbias (tick, sig, lower, upper);
@(posedge tick) (lower < sig && sig < upper);
CHK_MICBIAS_MIC_BIAS_5U: assert property(bias_current_micbias(up, as_micbiasamp_ibias5uA , 450e-8, 550e-8)) $display ("OK. current is within 5uA limit");
else $error ("MICBIAS error. Bias current micbias 5uA is not within limits");
always @*
if (up) begin
assign as_micbias = 1;
$display ("where this is displayed. OK");
else begin
assign as_micbias = 0;
$error ("where this is displayed. ERROR");
########end of sv code###########
here is how the test bench looks like. I also have the ams config file and interface element setup properly for the net of Vnet_5uASource. The simulation can run correctly.
I have test bench to report if the analog current into the systemverilog module is pithing 4.5uA or 5.5uA.
The $display and $error defined inside the property bias_current_micbias will not give any log output. But the $display and $error defined in the always @* block will correctly output to the log or SimVision console.
I want to see the below log displayed. Is there a setting will enable this feature?
$display ("OK. current is within 5uA limit");
$error ("MICBIAS error. Bias current micbias 5uA is not within limits");
##############example of $display and $error output ############
#############end of the output of $display and $error#################