I want to generate a snap-shot with name house and simulate it later.
To generate snap-shot, I use the following command,
irun -elaborate -snapshot house source.sv
This results in a folder INCA_libs/house.lnx86.11.10.nc
To simulate the snap-shot house, I use the following command,
irun -r worklib.house:sv
I get an error stating that the folder INCA_libs/irun.lnx86.11.10.nc is missing.
I see that even though I use the -r option with irun, it does not use the snap-shot house.
I also tried the -R option, but even with that I get the same error.
I see that if snap-shot name is chosen as "irun", this error is not seen.
How do I make irun simulate the snap-shot house (snap-shot name other than "irun")?