I've a below typedef definition;
typedef enum {SP_FS='h00, LP_ID_END='h37, LP_RESERVED='h3F} DT_DATA_TYPE;
The above typedef has been used in our RTL design files as below;
DT_DATA_TYPE curr_pd;
assign curr_pd = DT_DATA_TYPE'(data_type); // input [5:0] data_type; input to the module
After compiling the design file; I've got the below error;
DT_DATA_TYPE curr_pd;
ncvlog: *E,ILLPDL (../../../../axi_mipi_receiver_dphy_new/rtl/append_extra_bytes.sv,69|21): Mixing of ansi & non-ansi style port declaration is not legal.
I don't understand the above issue and is working fine in other EDA tools. Please help in this regard?...
I'm using Incisiv 15.20.026 version.