Hello guys. Have no idea why my code doesn't work in IUS 15.2/051 simulator. I tried to generate two-dimensional array with random size , but randomization method was failed ?! Can you make a comment ? Or suggest how to fix it ?
class test;
rand int array[][];
rand int first_size;
rand int second_size;
function new();
endfunction // new
constraint array_cnstr{
array.size() == first_size;
array[i].size == second_size;
constraint array_size_cnstr{
first_size inside {[10:15]};
second_size inside {[10:15]};
function void show_array();
$display("first_size %0d" , first_size);
$display("second_size %0d" , second_size);
$display("array[%0d,%0d] = %0d" , i , j , array[i][j]);
endfunction // show_array
endclass // test
module test_mod();
test ObjTest;
initial begin
ObjTest = new();
Error, that I got :
ncsim> source /cad/cadence/INCISIV152.051/tools/inca/files/ncsimrc
ncsim> run
ncsim: *W,SVRNDF (./test.sv,38|22): The randomize method call failed. The unique id of the failed randomize call is 0.
Observed simulation time : 0 FS + 0
ncsim: *W,RNDOCS: These constraints contribute to the set of conflicting constraints:
foreach(array[i]) (./test.sv,14)
second_size inside {[10:15]}; (./test.sv,20)
ncsim: *W,RNDOCS: These variables contribute to the set of conflicting constraints:
rand variables:
second_size [./test.sv, 7]