I am running GLS sims for atpg vector,
I am getting violation for D input even when ATPG Select (SEL) signal is high and it is TD (test Data) input which matters.
Following is the task $setuphold in my Flop model
$setuphold(posedge CK &&& RB, negedge D &&& ~SEL, 4.49:4.49:4.49, -1.39:-1.39:-1.39, flag,,,d_CK, d_D);
In SDF file the timing check for this flop is
(SETUPHOLD (negedge D) (posedge CK) (x:y:z) (a:b:c))
Now if SEL is high violation from D input should not be taken into consideration and be masked as per $setuphold task above.
But while scan is happening and D input changes I get timing violations for D input setup time of Flop.
Please let me know if you have faced similar issue and what was your solution