I want to send multiple SINGLE bursts with no intervals in between. like 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2...
However, when I use the following source code, I got a couple of IDLE cycles like 2-2-0-2-2-2-0-2-0-2..., and I don't understand why. Can anybody help me?
(I am using non_blocking_write api, so there will be no 1 cycle loss between bursts.)
struct ahb_trans{
trans_type : vr_ahb_burst_kind;
trans_dir : vr_ahb_direction;
trans_size : vr_ahb_transfer_size;
trans_addr : vr_ahb_address;
trans_data : vr_ahb_data;
extend vr_ahb_master_seq_kind : [ MY_SEQ ];
extend MY_SEQ vr_ahb_master_seq {
for i from 0 to 10 {
gen ahb_trans;
non_blocking_write( ahb_trans.trans_addr,
* MY_SEQ will be used in MAIN sequence.
Appreciate any help.