I'm trying out a small plugin for simvision.
Here the plugin expects a signal path from the user using tk entry widget, and assign it to a variabe sigPath.
I have tied this script as a command to a button which is invoked from .simvisionrc
The problem is the variable in the entry seems to be not created, as when I use it after this piece of code, it says unknown variable sigPath.
The same code works on wish. Can anyone suggest me what I'm doing wrong or is there any other method to solve this issue?
# Create a input box to get the signal name
catch {destroy .inpSigName}
toplevel .inpSigName
wm title .inpSigName "Signal addition"
wm geometry .inpSigName +10+10
frame .inpSigName.f1
frame .inpSigName.f2
entry .inpSigName.f1.eSigName -textvariable sigPath -width 100
button .inpSigName.f2.bSigName -text "OK" -command {destroy .inpSigName}
bind .inpSigName <Return> {.inpSigName.f2.bSigName invoke}
focus .inpSigName.f1.eSigName
pack .inpSigName.f1 .inpSigName.f2
pack .inpSigName.f1.eSigName
pack .inpSigName.f2.bSigName
# Wait for the input box
tkwait window .inpSigName
puts $sigPath
Edit: If I were to load the script from console I don't see this issue. But If I call the script as a proc from a button I see this issue.