I am facing this issue while running ncelab step. I have ran ncverilog and it passed .
I am running it from the command line and i am getting the following error
DEFINE lib_std /home/np959/CADENV_HOME/worklib/libraries/slow_vdd1v2_basicCells.lib
ncelab: *W,DLCPTH (./cds.lib,6): cds.lib Invalid path '/home/np959/CADENV_HOME/worklib/libraries/slow_vdd1v2_basicCells.lib' (cds.lib command ignored).
ncelab: *E,NOUNIT: Unable to find a unit named 'worklib.count16' in the libraries.
I am running the following command :
ncelab worklib.count16
The verilog file - count16.v and the testbench name is count16_tb.v .
Please let me know where i am going wrong. and incase if someone can list down the commands in the order , may be i am going through wrong steps.