We are using “irun” to run our testcase and we are getting the below warning. Due to this, we are getting a very huge log file (interms of GB). Please could you suggest why we are getting this warning and how to suppress the same?
Built-in relational argument contains a ('U', 'X', 'W', 'Z', '-') in an operand.
ASSERT/WARNING (time 277932200 PS) from package ieee.NUMERIC_STD, this builtin function called from process system.u_chip.u_core.u_cpsTop:u_ethComplex:i_ethTopModule:i_ethManipulationModuleToSerDes:EnetBypassLogicGen(3):i_emmBypassToSerDes:i_loopbackfifo:u_genericTwoPortRam1R1W:projectRamGen:u_projectRamFile:regFileGen:notDualPortRegFileGen:u_genericRegisterFile:regFileB_proc (architecture eth_lib.genericRegisterFile:synth)
Built-in conversion function argument contains ('U', 'X', 'W', 'Z', '-') in an operand (treated as '0').