This is the first time I am using IFV tool. Whenever I try to run it it returns with the following errors:
Error at line 1 of /afs/ece.cmu.edu/support/cds/share/image/usr/cds/incisiv-12.10/tools/ifv/files/OVL/VHDL/cds.lib for /afs/ece.cmu.edu/support/cds/share/image/usr/cds/incisiv-12.10/tools/ifv/files/OVL/VHDL/ACCELLERA:
Invalid path
Error at line 1 of /afs/ece.cmu.edu/support/cds/share/image/usr/cds/incisiv12.10/tools/ifv/files/OVLACCELLERA/VERILOG/cdsovlverilog.lib for /afs/ece.cmu.edu/support/cds/share/image/usr/cds/incisiv-12.10/tools/ifv/files/OVLACCELLERA/VERILOG/OVLVERILOG:
Invalid path
I have checked my file system and there is no ACCELLERA file. I don't understand why is it happening and how can I set it right. It will be really great if someone can direct me in the right direction.