As of the 11.1 release, the list.has() and list.count() list pseudo-methods can be treated as bidirectional constraint operators.
In 11.1, list.has() and list.count() are solved unidirectionally by default. To ensure that these pseudo-methods are solved as bidirectional expressions, set the config gen -bidir_list_pseudo_methods configuration flag.
This works but in the manual it says that this can be also done from the Specman e code by extending setup() of sys to contain:
set_config(gen, bidir_list_pseudo_method, ALL);
But this latter option does not work.
Can anyone offer some help on how to do this from the Specman e code?
I also tried using specman("config gen -bidir_list_pseudo_methods=ALL") and it did not set this config option.
Thanks in advance!