I have been doing the Cadence Accelerated UVM with UVM 1.1 course and I am stuck at the part where you connect your testbench to the DUT. I keep getting a package not bound error even though I have compiled the package before simulation. I have attached the EDA playground of the code and the error message below. Can someone help me figure out whats wrong?
xmvlog: *E,EXPENC (yapp_pkg.sv,37|9): Expecting the keyword 'endclass'.
import yapp_pkg::*;
xmvlog: *E,NOPBIND (testbench.sv,9|14): Package yapp_pkg could not be bound.
import yapp_pkg::*;
xmvlog: *E,NOPBIND (testbench.sv,9|14): Package yapp_pkg could not be bound.
EDA Playground: www.edaplayground.com/.../P2km