I am able to load and execute a vhpi application that can read the vhdl hierarchy, and can put and get values.
The problem I am having is that when I put a value on to. say an input, it does not propagate even though I have used the vhpiDepositPropagate or vhpiForcePropagate flags.
I know I am setting the value because I can read it back via vhpi_get_value() and because at the end of my application the simulator does run and the last values I applied are used.
It seems like my application is running but the simulator is not. The other reason I suspect this is because if I call vhpi_control(vhpiReset) I get a warning:
vhpi_control with vhpiReset called while simulator is not running.
xcelium> run
xmsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
xcelium> exit
I feel I am missing something very basic.