My design is in VHDL so, my top file is ../VHDL/top.vhd
As it is now, the testbenches simulation do run fine. These are written in (System)Verilog.
How can I use the approach of SVA binding, to run an assertion file for a specific subcomponent on which I am interested in?!?
The component is comp1.vhd
The SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) file for this component is
I also have created the comp1_bind.txt, the binding file
with the generic structure inside
bind (design_module_name/design_instance_name) {sva_module_name}{bind_instance_name}(port_list);
The goal is to execute something like
xrun -assert -extbind comp1_bind.txt comp1.vhd
1. is the approach correct, in order to test a VHDL-design using SystemVerilog Assertions?
2. how to write exactly the comp1_bind.txt
NOTE: using above all the commands and guidance as found in the Xcelium help/tutorials/example files in the paths
NOTE2: for now, I only want to run this simulation (or testbench, whatever the naming is) for this component only, not the whole design.
Thanks for any advice!