I am facing this elaboration error when using Xcelium:
xmverilog -v200x +access+r +xm64bit -f vlist -reflib plib -timescale 1ns/1ps
xmelab: *E,CUVMUR (<name>.v,538|18): instance 'LUTP0.C GLAT3' of design unit 'tlatntscad12' is unresolved in 'worklib.LUTP0:v'.
I guess the plib was not referred to as the simulation configuration because the tlatntscad12 is included in plib.
The plib is compiled by INCISIVE 13.20 and I am using the Xcelium 19.30.
Please tell me the correct command on how to refer to the library directory compiled by different versions.
Thank you,